[page 1] REQUISITION FOR MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. STATION: [begin handwritten text] Monrovia Md. B&ORR [end handwritten text] PERIOD: [begin handwritten text] Three months [end handwritten text] From [begin handwritten text] October 1st 1864 [end handwritten text] to [begin handwritten text] January 1st 1865 [end handwritten text] COMMAND: Officers [begin handwritten text] 27 [end handwritten text] ; Enlisted Men, [begin handwritten text] 530 [end handwritten text] ; All others entitled to Medicines, [begin handwritten text] 20 [end handwritten text] ; Total, [begin handwritten text] 577 [end handwritten text. [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] MATERIA MEDICA. Acaciae pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Acidum aceticum, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " Citricum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " muriaticum, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " nitricum, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " phosphoricum dilutum, in 2 oz. g. s. botts., oz. " sulphuricum, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " " aromat: in 1/2 lb. g. s. botts., oz. " tannicum, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. -. 1. " tartaricum, in 8 oz. bottles, oz. AEther fortior, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles and 1/2 lb. tins, soldered, oz. AEtheris spiritus compositus, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " " nitrici, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. -. 16. Alcohol fortius, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. -. 3. Aloes pulvis, in 2 oz bottles, oz. -. [crossed out] 8. Alumen, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. -. 8. Ammoniae carbonas, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " liquor, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. -. 16. " murias, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " spiritus aromaticus, in 4 oz. g. s. botts., oz. Antimonii et potassae tartratis pulvis, in 1 oz. botts., oz. Argenti nitras, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. " " fusus, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. -. 1/2. Arsentitis potassae liquor, in 4 oz. bottles, oz. Asafoetida, in 4 oz. bottles, oz. Bismuthi subcarbonas, in 2 oz. bottles, oz. Camphora, in 8 oz. bottles, oz. Cantharidis pulvis, in 2 oz. bottles, oz. " ceratum, in 8 oz. tins, oz. Capsici pulvis, in 8 oz. bottles, oz. Catechu, in 8 oz. bottles, oz. Cera alba, in paper, oz. Ceratum adipis, (simple cerate,) in 1 lb. pots, lb. -. 3. Ceratum resinae, in 1 lb. pots, lb. Cinchonae calisayae pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Cinchoniae sulphas, in 2 oz. bottles, oz. Chlorinium, (the materials for preparing,) in a package, no. Chloroformum, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles and 1/2 lb. tins, soldered, oz. -. 8. Collodium, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. Copaiba, in 1 lb. bottles, oz. -. 16. Creasotum, in 2 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. Creta praeparata, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Cubebae olio-resina, (ext: cubebae Fl. U. S. P., 1850,) in 8 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. -. 4. Cupri sulphas, in 2 oz. bottles, oz. Extractum aconiti radicis fluidum, in 1/2 lb. botts., oz. " belladonnae, in 1 oz. pots, oz. " buchu fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " cinchonae fluidum, (with aromatics,) in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Extractum colchici seminis fluidum, in 4 oz. botts, oz. " colocynthidis compositum, in 8 oz. pots.oz. " conii, in 1 oz. pots, oz. " ergotae fluidum, in 2 oz. bottles, oz. " gentianae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " glycyrrhizae, in paper, oz. " hyoscyami, in 1 oz. pots, oz. " ipecacuanhae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " nucis vomicae, in 1 oz. pots, oz. " pruni verginianae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. botts.oz. " rhei fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " senegae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " spigeliae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " valerianae fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " veratri viridis fluidum, in 2 oz. botts., oz. " zingiberis fluidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. [page 1 break] [page 2] REQUISITION--Continued. 2 [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] Ferri chloridi tinctura, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " iodidi syrupus, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " et quniae citras, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. " persulphatis liquor, in 4 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. " " pulvis, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. " sulphas, in 4 oz. bottles, oz. " oxidum hydratum, (the materials for,) in package, no. Glyccyrrhizae pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Glycerina, in 1/2 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. Hydrargyri chloridum mite, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " iodidum flavum, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. " oxidum rubrum, in oz. bottles, oz. " pilulae, in 8 oz. pots, oz. -. 4. " " nitratis, in 4 oz. pots, oz. Hydrargyrum cum creta, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Iodinium, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. Ipecacuanhae pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " et opii pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Linum, in tins, lbs. -. 1/2. Lini pulvis, in tins, lbs. -. 1. Magnesia, in 4 oz. bottles, oz. Magnesiae sulphas, in 1/2 oz papers and 8 lb. tins, lbs. Morphiae sulphas, in 1/4 oz. bottles, oz. -. 1/8. Oleum cinnamomi, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. Olei menthae piperitae tinctura, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Oleum morrhuae, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. " olivae, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. -. 2. " ricini, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. -. 2. " terebinthinae, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. " tiglii, in 1 oz. g. s. bottles, oz. Opii pulvis, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " tinctura, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. -. 4. " " camphorata, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. -. 8. Pilulae camphorae (gra: 2) et opii, (gra: 1,) in g. s. bottles, doz. Pilulae catharticae compositae, in g. s. bottles, doz. -. 8. " opii, in g. s. bottles, doz. Plumbi acetas, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Podophylli resina, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. Potassae acetas, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " bicarbonas, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " bitartras, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " chloras, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " nitras, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Potassii iodidum, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. -. 4. Quniae sulphas, compressed in 5 oz. tins, oz. -. 10. Rheum, oz. Rhei pulvis, in 4 oz. bottles, oz. Sapo, in paper, lbs. Scillae pulvis, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. " syrupus, in 1 lb. bottles, lbs. -. 2. Sinapis nigrae pulvis, in 6 lb. tins, lbs. Sodae chlorinatae liquor, in 1 lb. g. s. bottles, lbs. " bicarbonas, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " boras, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " et potassae tartras, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Spiritus lavandulae compositus, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. " frumenti, (whisky,) in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. -. 6. " vini gallici, in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. -. 2. Sulphur, in 1/2 lb. bottles, oz. Strychnia, in 1/8 oz. bottles, oz. Vinum album, (sherry,) in 32 oz. bottles, bottles. Zinci acetas, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. " carbonas, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. " chloridi liquor, in 1 lb. g. s. bottles, oz. " sulphas, in 1 oz. bottles, oz. -. 1. HOSPITAL STORES. Barley, in tins, lbs. Beef, extract of, in 2 lb. tins, lbs. Candles, sperm or composition, half l'gth, in boxes, lbs. Cinnamon, powdered, in 1/4 lb. bottles, lbs. Cocoa or chocolate, in tins or cakes, lbs. Coffee, extract of, in 1/2 gallon tins, galls. Corn starch, in 1 lb. papers, lbs. Farina, in 1 lb. paper, lbs. [page 2 break] [page 3] REQUISITION--Continued. 3 [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] Gelatine, shred, in 1/4 lb. packages, lbs. Ginger, powdered, in 1/2 lb. bottles, lbs. Milk, concentrated, in 1 lb. tins, lbs. Nutmegs, in 1/4 lb. bottles, lbs. Pepper, black, ground, in 1/2 lb. bottles, lbs. Porter, in pint bottles, bottles. Sugar, white, crushed, kiln-dried, in boxes or tins, lbs. -. 2. Tea, black, in tins or orginal chests, lbs. -. 1. INSTRUMENTS. Buck's spongeholder, for the throat, no. Cupping glasses, assorted sizes, no. " tins, assorted sizes, no. Dissecting instruments, (see list), cases. Lancents, thumb, no. Obstetrical case, (see list), case. Pocket case, (see list), cases. Probangs, no. Scarificator, no. Scissors, large and small, no. Speculum for the ear, no. " for the vagina, glass, no. Stethescope, no. Stomach pump, in case, no. Stomach tube, no. Syringe, Davidson's self-injecting, No. 1, no. " hard rubber, 8 ounce, no. " " " 4 ounce, no. " " " Tieman's universal, no. " hypodermic, 3 points, no. " penis, glass, in cases, no. " vagina, hard rubber, 1, case. " " glass, 2, case. Teeth extracting instruments, (see list), case. Tourniquets, field, no. Tourniquets, screw, with pad, no. Trusses, inguinal, double, no. " single, no. Vaccinator, (spring), no. Vaccine virus, issued as required, crusts, no. DRESSINGS, ETC. Adhesive plaster, 5 yards in a can, yards. Binders' boards, 2 1/2 by 12 inches, pieces. " " 4 by 17 inches, pieces. Cotton bats, no. " wadding, sheets. Flannel, red, all wool, yards. Gutta-percha cloth, yards. Ichthyocolla plaster, 1 yard in a case, yards. Knapsacks, furnished, no. Lint, patent, linen or flax, lbs. " picked or scraped, linen, lbs. Litters, hand, no. " horse, no. Muslin, bleached, unsized, 1 yard wide, yards -. 5. Napkins, for ophthalmia, no. Needles, 25; cotton, 1 spool; thimble, 1, in case, no. Oakum, fine, picked, lbs. Oiled muslin, in 4 1/2 yard pieces, yards. " silk, in 4 1/2 yard pieces, yards. Pencils, hair, (assorted sizes,) 12 in a vial, no. Pins, papers. Roller bandages, assorted, in a pasteboard box--1 doz. 1 in. by 1 yard; 2 doz. 2 in. by 3 yards; 2 doz. 2 1/2 in. by 3 yards; 1 doz. 3 in. by 4 yards; 1 doz. 3 1/2 in. by 5 yards ; 1/2 doz. 4 in. by 6 yards; 1/2 doz. 4 in. by 8 yards, doz. -. 4. Silk, green, for shades, yards. " saddlers', for ligatures, oz. Splints, in one package--6 for forearm, 4 for leg, 6 large coaptation, 4 small coaptation, set. Splints, Smith's anterior, no. [page 3 break] [page 4] REQUISITION--Continued. 4 [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] Sponge, fine, small pieces, oz. Suspensory bandages, cotton, no. Tape, cotton, or twilled stay binding, pieces. " woolen, or worsted binding, pieces. Thread, linen, unbleached, oz. Tow, lbs. Towels, doz. Towels, roller, doz. Twine, one-half coarse, oz. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ETC. Anatomy, Gray's, copies. " Surgical, (of arteries,) Power's, copies. Chemistry, Fownes', copies. Dictionary, Medical, Dunglison's, copies. Dictionary, English, Webster's or Worcester's, copies. Dispensatory, Wood & Bache's, copies. Hygiene, copies. Jurisprudence, Beck's, copies. Midwifery, Bedford's or Meigs', as preferred, copies. Pathology, Virchow's, copies. Pharmacy, Parish's, copies. Physiology, Dalton's, copies. Practice of Medicine, Watson's or Wood's, as preferred, copies. Practice of Medicine, Bennett's, copies. Principles of Medicine, Hartshorne's, or Da Costa's Medical Diagnosis, as preferred, copies. Surgery, Principles of, Erichsen's or Gross', as preferred, copies. Surgery, principles of, Smith's, Stephen, copies. " Macleod's Surgical Notes, copies. " Guthrie's Commentaries, copies. " Minor, copies. Therapeutics, Stille's or Wood's, as preferred, copies. Longmore on Gunshot Wounds, copies. Jones on Diseases of the Eye, copies. Toynbee on Diseases of the Ear, copies. Wilson on Diseases of the Skin, copies. Bumstead on Venereal Diseases, copies. Hospital Steward's Manual, Woodward's, copies. Blank Books, cap, half-bound, 4 quires, no. Case Book, no. Envelopes, printed--large, 25; medium, 25; small, 50, no. -. 25 [50] Ink, 2 oz. bottles, no. Inkstands, no. " travelling, no. Meteorological Register, no. Morning Report Book, no. -. 1. Mucilage, bottles. Order and Letter Book, no. -. 1. " " ward, (blank, 4 quires), no. Register of Patients, no. Regulations, Army, copies. " Medical Department, copies. Paper, filtering, round, gray, 10 inches, packs. " wrapping, white and blue, quires. " writing, cap, 1 quire; letter, 1 quire; note, 2 quires, quires. -. 2. Pens, steel, no. Penholders, no. Pencils, lead, Faber's No. 2, no. Portfolio, cap size, no. Sealing wax, sticks. BEDDING. Bed sacks, no. Beds, water, of India rubber, no. Blankets, white; gray for the field, no. Blanket cases, canvas, no. Counterpanes, according to pattern, no. Cushions, rubber, for air or water, with open centre, no. " " for air or water, small, no. Gutta-percha bed covers, so made as to form, when united a continuous covering, no. [page 4 break] [page 5] REQUISITION--Continued. 5 [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] Mattresses, hair, in two equal parts, to pack folded, no. Mattresses, of straw, moss, or shucks, in lieu of bed sacks, where they can be readily supplied, no. Mosquito bars, when specially required, no. Pillows, hair, no. Pillow cases, cotton, colored, no. " " linen, white, no. Sheets, linen, no. HOSPITAL CLOTHING. Caps, according to pattern, no. Drawers, according to pattern, no. Gowns, dressing, according to pattern, no. Shirts, cotton, according to pattern, no. Slippers, according to pattern, no. Socks, woolen, according to pattern, no. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. Class No. 1. Basins, tin, small, for dressers, no. " " wash, hand, no. Bed pans, delf, shovel shape, no. Bedsteads, iron, no. Bowls, delf, no. Brooms, no. Brushes, scrubbing, no. Buckets, leather, no. " wooden, no. Candlesticks, no. Caldrons, with tin covers, 20 gallons, no. Cleavers, no. Clothes line, feet. Close-stools, no. Corks, assorted, doz. Corkscrews, no. Dippers, tin, pint size, no. Dishes, assorted sizes, no. Feeding cups, or sick feeders, no. Flesh forks, no. Funnels, glass, 1/2 pint, no. " tin, pint, no. Graters, nutmeg, and large, no. Hatchet, no. Hone, no. Knives and forks, of each, no. " " " carving, of each, no. " butchers', no. " bread, no. Lanterns, glass, no. Measures, graduated, glass, 4 oz., no. -. 1. " " " minim, no. " tin, gallon to pint, no. Medicine panniers, furnished by the list, sets. " measuring glasses, no. " spoons, delf, no. Mess chest, furnished by list, no. Mills, coffee, no. Mortars and pestles, wedgewood, 3 1/2 to [crossed out 8] inches, no. -. 1. Mugs, delf, no. Pill boxes, turned wood, papers, no. " machine, no. " tiles, 5 to 10-inch, no. Pitchers, delf, half gallon, no. Plates, delf, no. Pots, chamber, delf, no. " " inodorous, Army pattern, no. " tea, delf, no. " coffee, tin, no. Rain gauge, no. Range, size as required, with fixtures complete, no. Razor and strop, in case, no. Retort, delf, 1 quart, no. Scales and weights, prescription, no. " " " shop, no. Sheep-skins, dressed, for plasters, no. [page 5 break] [page 6] REQUISITION--Continued. 6 [column headings: ARTICLES. ON HAND. WANTED.] Slates, no. Spatulas, 3-inch and 6-inch, no. Spirit lamp, no. Spoons, table, no. " tea, no. Spit mugs, without tops, no. Spittoons, no. Steel, no. Stoves, cooking, size as needed, with fixtures complete, no. Test tubes, no. Thermometer and hygrometer, no. Thermometer, no. Tin warmer, for stomach, to hold hot water, no. " " for feet, no. Tubs, bath, no. Tumblers, glass, no. Urinals, glass, no. Vials, 6, 6-oz.; 12, 4 oz.; 3, 2 oz.; 3, 1 oz., doz. -. 2. Wood-saws, no. Class No. 2. Bedticket frames, no. Chairs, no. Clocks, wooden, small, no. Gridirons, no. Kettles, tea, iron, no. Ladles, no. Looking-glasses, small, no. Pans, frying, no. " sauce, no. " tin, no. Pots, mustard, no. " pepper, no. Refigerators, no. Sadirons, no. Salt-cellars, no. Tables, bedside, no. Trays, butlers', no. Surgeon. DATE: [page 6 break] [page 7] N. B.-- Requisitions will exhibit the quantity of each article "on hand" of which more is "wanted." They will be transmitted in duplicate, and by different mails. REQUISITION FOR MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. STATION: [begin handwritten text] Monrovia Md. B&O. R.R. [end handwritten text] PERIOD: [begin handwritten text] Three months [end handwritten text] From [begin handwritten text] October 1st 1864 [crossed out to Jan] [end handwritten text] To [begin handwritten text] January 1st 1865 Asst [end handwritten text] Surgeon. [begin handwritten text] in charge 1st Del Cavalry [end handwritten text] [stamped seal] U.S.A. Medical Dept. EXPERIENTIA ET PROGRESSUS Rec. S. G. O., , 186 . Fold this Requisition in the direction of the vertical ruled lines. [page 7 break]