2014 Volume 15 Number 1

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    Variations on and the Teleology of Unreliable Narration
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-07-31) Baah, Robert
    Three variations in narrational unreliability are discussed along with four proposals aimed at formulating a teleology of unreliable narrator. The variations include back-loading signals of unreliability, deploying partial awareness of self-incrimination, and using a limited first person narrator. Apropos teleology, we argue that unreliable narration helps to subvert the moral and or epistemological worldview of the narrator. Secondly, unreliable narration facilitates an effective examination of the strengths and weaknesses of unbridled imagination. In addition, unreliable narration permits a reconceptualization of our understanding of truth and falsehood. Finally, unreliable narrators who overindulge in imaginary flights provide one of the best sources of narrative humor. Reinaldo Arenas, José Donoso are Jorge Luis Borges provide the raw materials for this dual effort in design and purpose.
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    The President in His Labyrinth: Literature and the Construction of the Chávez Mythology
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Cobb, Russell
    This article analyzes the complex relationship between writers and the self-mythologizing of Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. The author traces Chávez's attempts to acquire cultural capital through the support of writers such as Gabriel García Márquez and Victor Hugo while confronting other notable figures, such as Mario Vargas Llosa. The author argues that emphasis on Chávez's role in manipulating the media has obscured the fact that he also has attempted to be taken seriously as a public intellectual. Using Angel Rama's concept of the "letrado" (the learned man of letters), the author argues that Chávez's relationship with public intellectuals fits within a historical continuum of using literary writing as a basis for legitimizing political power. Finally, the author contrasts the role of García Márquez with that of two other Boom figures, Mario Vargas Llosa and Carlos Fuentes, who have been vehement in their criticism of the Venezuelan president. 
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    Onde o dinheiro tem mais vez: gastos e votos nas eleições municipais 2012
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Fugueiredo Filho, Dalson Britto; Paranhos, Ranulfo; SILVA, José Alexandre da Jr.; Rocha, Enivaldo Carvalho da; Silva, Denisson
    What is the effect of contextual variables on the returns of campaign spending? This paper analyzes the effect of campaign spending on electoral outcomes in 2012 Brazilian municipal elections. On substantive grounds, we expect that the effect of spending on votes should be moderated by contextual variables. In particular, we test the hypothesis that both human development index and electoral size impact on the campaign spending magnitude effect. Methodologically, we combine descriptive and multivariate statistics to examine data from Superior Electoral Court regarding mayor elections contests for all Brazilian cities. The results suggest that: (1) a one point increase in spending elevates in 0,57% the number of votes; (2) elected candidates (0,51%) benefit less from each extra unit spending compared to non elected (0,56%) and (3) the magnitude of campaign spending effect on votes depends on electoral size and human development index. Resumo Qual o efeito das variáveis contextuais no retorno eleitoral do gasto de campanha? Esse trabalho analisa o efeito do gasto de campanha sobre os resultados eleitorais nas eleições municipais de 2012 no Brasil. Em termos substantivos, esperamos que o efeito do gasto de campanha sobre os resultados eleitorais seja mediado por outras variáveis contextuais. Em particular, testamos as hipóteses de que tanto o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) quanto o tamanho do eleitorado influenciam a magnitude do efeito do gasto sobre os votos. Metodologicamente, combinamos estatística descritiva e multivariada para analisar os dados disponibilizados pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), referentes às disputas eleitorais ao cargo de prefeito em todas as cidades brasileiras. Os resultados sugerem que: (1) o incremento de 1% na receita eleva em 0,57% o número de votos; (2) candidatos eleitos se beneficiam menos (0,51%) do que os não-eleitos (0,56%); e (3) a magnitude do efeito do gasto sobre os votos depende da quantidade de eleitores e IDHM
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    "We Would Live Like Brothers:" A Reexamination of Diego de Vargas' Reconquest of New Mexico and the Pueblo Indian Revolt, 1692-1696
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Petrakos, Christopher Ross
    Diego de Vargas' reconquest of New Mexico (1692-1696) and the Pueblo Revolt of 1696 is an almost forgotten episode in colonial Spanish history. While largely overshadowed by the more successful 1680 rebellion, this period is critical in understanding the cultural dynamics of Spanish power in the late seventeenth century. This paper situates the reconquest of New Mexico and the revolt of 1696 within the context of an emerging culltural consensus between the Pueblos and Spaniards. Through an extended examination of Diego de Vargas' journals and correspondence, I investigate the intersection of cultural identity and political allegiance on the fringes of the Spanish Empire.
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    Monumentos para la independencia en América Latina
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Robles Cairo, Cuauhtémoc
    Consumada la independencia de las colonias españolas en América, los sectores liberales que asumieron el poder adoptaron, para acoger las instituciones de las nuevas naciones, un lenguaje arquitectónico cercano al iluminismo francés, distante de las influencias culturales ibéricas precedentes. La arquitectura, se transformó en comunicadora de ideas propagandísticas y la imagen de las ciudades se revistió con la presencia de edificios neoclásicos. Los monumentos conmemorativos, las sedes de gobierno y los teatros, se sumaron a una serie de trasformaciones urbanas que quisieron reflejar una imagen progresista, acorde a las influencias europeas de la época. La finalidad y el resultado del presente trabajo se enfoca en la relación existente entre la arquitectura y los hechos de carácter social: la visión de la primera como resultado del pensamiento histórico y de las circunstancias políticas. Se realizó un reconocimiento y clasificación de hechos a partir de tipos de edificios o tipologías recurrentes y no convencionalmente separando el fenómeno por países.
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    El impacto de África Occidental en la cocina de las Américas
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Rosas Mayén, Norma
    Partiendo de una analogía entre lengua y cocina, el presente estudio examina el impacto de África Occidental en la cocina de las Américas. En él se presenta la cocina como un sistema que posee una “gramática” propia, lo cual permite adaptar en el ámbito culinario dos modelos teóricos usados en lingüística para explicar el origen de las lenguas criollas, el Modelo de Relexificación (Lefevbre 1998) y el Modelo Lingüístico Rizomático (Rosas Mayén 2007, 2009), que contribuyen a reconstruir los componentes y características de las cocinas de la diáspora africana y el legado culinario de la mujer africana en las Américas.
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    "Serão presos e reduzidos à escravidão:" o tênue limite entre a liberdade e o alistamento militar na Província de Piauí durante a guerra do Paraguai 1865-1866
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Santana de Araújo, Johny
    This paper aims to present the different forms of conscription that occurred in the province of Piauí during the years 1865 and 1866, the initial period of the Paraguayan War or The War of the Triple Alliance. It seeks to understand specifically how the recruitment process for the Army considered the marginalized poor, those designated as national guards who made ​​an important work in the interior of the province, and the slaves expropriated from farms to serve the nation in the war. Finally, the article identifies how these social classes developed strategies of resistance to evade the military draft during the conflict. Resumo: O presente artigo pretende apresentar as diferentes formas de alistamento militar ocorridas na província do Piauí durante os anos de 1865 e 1866, período inicial da Guerra contra o Paraguai. Procura-se entender especificamente como se deu o processo de recrutamento para o Exército dos considerados pobres, à margem da sociedade, dos guardas nacionais designados que compunham uma importante mão de obra do interior da Província, e dos escravos das fazendas nacionais desapropriados para o serviço da guerra. Finalmente, o artigo verifica como tais atores sociais elaboraram estratégias de resistência para fugirem da convocação militar durante o conflito.
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    A “Clearing in the Jungle": Adolescence in Martín Adán’s La casa de cartón
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Spitz, Maria
    While critics of La casa de cartón have all considered Martín Adán’s only novel within the cosmopolitan vein of Spanish American vanguardismo, the present study questions this classification by showing how the narrative’s nameless protagonist distances himself from not only 19th century tropes and discourses that had characterized literary production, but also from those of his contemporaries. An exploration of Adán’s multiple parodies of literary production in Spanish America, as well as the alternative for collective cultural expression embodied in the trope of adolescence, points to the need to reconsider how we, as critics, approach and, ultimately, organize the canon.
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    On "The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón" by Claudio Lomnitz Adler
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Hart, John M.
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    On "Latin American Politics and Development", eighth edition edited by Howard J. Wiarda and Harvey F. Kline
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Penix-Tadsen, Philip
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    Bay of All Saints. A film by Annie Eastman
    (Latin American Studies Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2014-08-31) Tamanaha de Quadros, Daiane