Forum Summary Report - Interurban Rail Transportation: Moving People and Goods in the 21st Century

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Finding more efficient and environmentally sustainable ways of transporting people and goods among cities is a key component of America’s future mobility. Rail transportation, an important resource in accommodating mobility, is receiving far less attention than it deserves. Historically, railroads have played a major role in the spatial organization of the United States and the growth and prosperity of urban centers. Although much of the movement of people and commodities has shifted to automobiles and trucks, rail service has remained important for economic growth and development. The policy forum focused primarily on East Coast routes and Delaware’s strategic location within the Northeast Corridor. It is hoped that the discussion generated by this forum will encourage new thinking and productive first steps toward building stronger rail passenger and goods movement within urban corridors. Planners and policy analysts joined state transportation department employees from around the region to discuss the issues surrounding moving people and goods in the twenty-first century via freight and passenger rail.
interurban, passenger rail, freight, Amtrak, Northeast Corridor, transportation