Recruitment and Parent Stock

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Division of Marine Resources
In 1971, the University of Washington was designated as a Sea Grant College by the U.S. Department of Commerce with grants administered by the Division of Marine Resources at the University. "Aquatic Stock Management," under No. 1-35320, was established to promote innovative teaching related to management of renewable resources, and to supplement and broaden instruction being given at the College of Fisheries and in the Center for Quantitative Science. To help satisfy these objectives a series of guest lectureships was established. In the fall of 1972 Dr. David H. Cushing, Senior Principal Scientific Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, presented the second series entitled "Recruitment and Parent Stock in Fishes." His lectures are presented here in published form in order to serve a broader audience--students, researchers, and resource managers engaged in studies of quantitative fishery biology.
Recruitment, Parent Stock, Fishes