Planning for Complete Communities in Delaware: Research to Develop the Low-Stress Bikeability Assessment Tool

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The state of Delaware has long recognized the benefits of developing an integrated multi- modal transportation system. State policies and legislation—including the statewide bicycle policy (2000), Complete Streets policy (2010), Vulnerable Users Law (2010), Walkable Bikeable Delaware (2011), and First State Trails and Pathways Initiative (2011)—have set the stage for the development of comprehensive, statewide bicycle network. Delaware has strategically invested considerable state and federal funding to create an interconnected network of on-road bicycle facilities, shared use trails, and pathways to advance non-motorized travel and recreation opportunities for Delawareans and visitors. Delaware is recognized as one of the nation’s most bicycle friendly states thanks to its supportive policy framework, advocacy from partner organizations, education, and outreach. Despite considerable investments in developing Delaware’s bicycle network and strong support for bicycling, barriers to bikeability still exist.
Assessment tool, Community meetings, Mobility, Delaware, Complete communities, , ,