A Brief View Of The Adequacy And Inadequacy Of Disaster Plans And Preparations In Ten Community Crises

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Disaster Research Center
It is the purpose of this brief paper to report findings about the adequacy and inadequacy of disaster plans and preparations in ten community crises in the United States. The ten cases have been selected from those studied by the Disaster Research Center (DRC) and include the following: 1963 Indianapolis, Indiana Coliseum explosion, (2) 1964 Anchorage, Alaska earthquake , (3) 1964 Cincinnati, Ohio flood, (4) 1965 Wichita, Kansas plane crash, (5) 1966 Topeka, Ranses tornado, (6) 1967 Fairbanks, Alaska Plood, (7) 1968 Jonesboro, Arkansas tornado, (8) 1969 Glendara, Cslifornia flood and mudslides, (9) 1969 Sioux Falls, South Dakota flood, and (10) 1969 Minot, North Dakota flood. These disasters range from a progressive, diffused type, the Fairbanks flood, to an instantaneous, localized type, the trichita plane crash. (1) Our goal is to in formulating provide the disaster planner with findings that can be applied approaches to alleviate disaster disruptions. Given the high degree of similarity between American and that the findings Erom these ten American Canadian societies, it is anticipated community crises will be of assistance and interest to Canadians involved in disaster planning.
Disaster Plans, Community, Social-Organization Aspects, Interorganizational Coordination